Abstract Submission
Presentation based on Abstract
All submitted short-abstracts will undergo a blind review. An abstract/proposal between 300 to 500 words, clearly summarizing the arguments, should be submitted before deadline. The committee normally reaches its decision within two weeks after abstract submission. All abstracts/proposals must be submitted in English using an ‘Abstract Submission Form’. All abstracts/proposals will be published online after the conference and uploaded on FLE’s website.
Abstract Submission Deadline
An abstract/proposal written on a topic within the broad conference theme should be submitted before deadline.
Click here for Registration Process.
Submission Methods
An abstract/proposal should be submitted by completing an online Abstract Submission Form. Otherwise, kindly click here to download the ‘Abstract Submission Form’ and email the duly filled form to submit@localhost.
Abstract Evaluation Criteria
All abstract submitted for presentation in FLE Learning’s conferences are reviewed by one of the Conference Committee members. Abstracts are evaluated and accepted for presentation based on the following selection criteria:
- Clear description of the research topic in the title
- Clear and concise description of the research – focused objectives, clearly stated study design/methodology, clearly presented results (whether preliminary), and well-drawn conclusion and/or recommendations for future research
- Relevance, currency, appropriateness and significance of the abstract/issue/problem to the Conference theme
- Originality – theoretical orientations and/or practical application or contribution to the field
- Evidence of a high standard of research and/or practice (where applicable)