Submission Guideline

  1. An abstract/proposal between 300 to 500 words, clearly summarising the arguments, should be submitted by completing online Abstract Submission Form. Otherwise, kindly click here to download the ‘Abstract Submission Form’ and email the duly filled form to submit@localhost or fax at +1 604 757 0701
  2. The preferred length of full paper (including footnotes) is 5,000 words (maximum limit). In general, please confine your paper between 10-12 pages, everything included. It must include an Abstract (no more than 150 words) and 3-5 Keywords.
  3. Authors’ autobiographical details should appear as the first footnote of each contribution, and include the name, academic and professional qualifications, institutional affiliation, current title and position of each author.
  4. Full paper must be written in British English, typed using Times New Roman (normal style and font size 12) and in MS-Word. Page size should be A4, single column with 2.5 cm margin on both sides with single line spacing. All pages of the manuscript (including Tables and Figures) should be numbered.
  5. Final Paper (optional) should be submitted for publication in the E-Journal before the deadline provided for each conference. Please refer to the final paper submission deadlines for each conference.
  6. Acceptance to present DOES NOT guarantee publication in E-Journal. Please be aware that your contribution will, if considered suitable for publication, be double-blind refereed. While our policy is to let authors know the decision by end of each conference, the referee process does take some time. If accepted, it will then be copy-edited, which also takes some time. These steps are necessary to ensure the high quality of the journal.
  7. It is author’s responsibility to ensure that all references and citations are correct, and that the contribution does not contain any material that infringes copyright, or is defamatory, obscene or otherwise unlawful or litigious.
  8. Copyright in the article will remain jointly with the owner of the copyright and the Publisher. By submitting an article to the conference, the owner of the copyright grants the publisher with a license to publish the article. The author warrants that he is the owner of all rights of copyright in the article. Where the author subsequently publishes the article, the author is requested to acknowledge the article appeared in the conference proceedings.
  9. The Author(s) will indemnify and defend the Publisher against any claim, demand or recovery against the Publisher by reason of any violation of any proprietary right or copyright, or because of any libellous or scandalous matter contained in the Manuscript.
  10. The Publisher will have the right to edit the work for the original edition and for any revision, provided that the meaning of the text is not materially altered.
  11. Contributions MUST conform to Harvard Citing and Referencing Style.  In particular, and in accordance with the Style Guide, contributors are asked to follow these style requirements:
    • citation of sources should appear in both the body of your text (an in-text citation) and at the end of your work (a reference list).
    • the name of the author, publication year and the page numbers you have taken your material from should appear in the body of your work;
    • In the reference list, books should be cited as follows (example): Beetham, H. (2007) Retail economics. Abingdon: Routledge. Articles should be cited as follows (example): Bezemer, D. J. (2010) Understanding financial crisis through accounting models. Accounting, Organisation and Society, 35(7), 676-688.

Sample Paper

For your reference, kindly click here to refer one of our previously published paper to help you with your referencing.

Harvard Referencing Guidelines

Click here to download Harvard Citing and Referencing Style Guideline

Paper Layout

International Conference on Trade, Business, Economics and Law

(ICTBEL 2019 Boston)

June 16-19, 2017, Boston, United States of America font name Times New Roman, size 12, Bold]

TITLE [font name Times New Roman, size 14, bold, All caps]

Name and surname of the author [font name Times New Roman, size 12, Bold]

Affiliation [font name Times New Roman, size 12] (For example: University, Department or Faculty.)

Country [font name Times New Roman, size 12]

E-mail [font name Times New Roman, size 12]

(Please add for all authors; mark the corresponding author with *.)

Abstract [font name Times New Roman size 12, Bold]

Abstract [font name Times New Roman, size 12] (150 words max.)

Key Words: key word 1, key word 2, key word 3, key word 4, key word 5 [font name Times New Roman, size 12]

HEADING LEVEL 1 [font name Times New Roman, size 12, Bold, All caps]

All submissions must be typed, single spaced with 2.5 cm or one-inch margins using 12 point Times New Roman font in a single MS Word file. [font name Times New Roman, size 12, justified text]

All submissions must include a Title, Authors (names, affiliations, e-mails of all authors and a notation (*) of the corresponding author), an Abstract (no more than 150 words) and 3-5 Keywords. Paper submissions should not exceed 12 pages, including the Abstract, text body (Introduction, Theory, Methods, Findings, Discussion, Conclusions and Implications), Tables, Figures and References.

Heading Level 2 [font name Times New Roman, size 12, Bold]

Three levels of headings maximum.

Heading Level 3 [font name Times New Roman, size 12, Bold, Italics]

Three levels of headings maximum

Tables and figures – HEADING LEVEL 1 [font name Times New Roman, size 12, Bold, All caps]

Tables and figures need to be included in the body of the paper. Please make references to all tables and figures. Example: This is shown in Table 1 (see also Figure 1).

Table 1: Title of the table [font name Times New Roman, size 12]

(Please insert Table.)

Figure 1: Title of the figure [font name Times New Roman, size 12]

(Please insert Figure.)

References [font name Times New Roman, size 12, bold, All caps]

For further information, please visit

I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.



Conference Proceedings

International Journal
3rd International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Science Studies
3rd Academic International Conference on Interdisciplinary Legal Studies
2nd Academic International Conference on Business, Marketing and Management
5th International Conference on Trade, Business, Economics and Law
2nd Academic International Conference on Law, Economics and Finance
4th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Science Studies
1st International Conference on Business, Economics, Management and Marketing
3rd Annual International Conference on Law and Policy
1st Academic International Conference on Multi-Disciplinary Studies and Education
1st Academic International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
3rd International Conference on Trade, Business, Economics and Law
2nd Annual Conference on Intellectual Property and Information Law
2nd Annual International Conference on Interdisciplinary Legal Studies
1st Annual International Conference on Law and Policy
2nd Annual International Conference on Law, Economics and Politics
2nd International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Science Studies
4th International Conference on Trade, Business, Economics and Law
1st Academic International Conference on Law, Economics and Finance
9th Academic International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies and Education
1st International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Science Studies
3rd Annual International Conference on Law, Economics and Politics
3rd Academic International Conference on Business, Marketing and Management
4th Academic International Conference on Interdisciplinary Legal Studies
5th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Science Studies
2nd Academic International Conference on Multi-Disciplinary Studies and Education
3rd International Conference on Business, Economics, Management and Marketing
6th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Science Studies
2nd Academic International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
2nd Academic International Conference on Business, Economics and Management
6th International Conference on Trade, Business, Economics and Law
3rd Academic International Conference on Law, Economics and Finance
3rd Academic International Conference on Law, Economics and Finance
4th Academic International Conference on Business, Marketing and Management
1st Annual International Conference on AML & Financial Crimes
3rd Academic International Conference on Multi-Disciplinary Studies and Education
4th Annual International Conference on Law and Policy
3rd Academic International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
4th International Conference on Business, Economics, Management and Marketing
4th Academic International Conference on Multi-Disciplinary Studies and Education
4th Annual International Conference on Law, Economics and Politics
1st Academic International Conference on Economics, Accounting and Finance
2nd Academic International Conference on Interdisciplinary Business Studies
7th International Conference on Trade, Business, Economics and Law
5th Academic International Conference on Business, Marketing and Management
7th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Science Studies
4th Academic International Conference on Economics, Accounting and Finance
4th Academic International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
5th Academic International Conference on Multi-Disciplinary Studies and Education
3rd Academic International Conference on Business, Economics and Management
8th Academic International Conference on Interdisciplinary Legal Studies
5th International Conference on Business, Economics, Management and Marketing
8th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Science Studies
5th Annual International Conference on Law, Economics and Politics
5th Academic International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
6th Academic International Conference on Business, Marketing and Management
9th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Science Studies
8th International Conference on Trade, Business, Economics and Law
7th Academic International Conference on Business, Marketing and Management
1st International Conference on Sustainability, Energy and Environmental Sciences
6th International Conference on Business, Economics, Management and Marketing
9th Academic International Conference on Interdisciplinary Legal Studies
10th International Conference on Business, Economics, Management and Marketing
6th Academic International Conference on Multi-Disciplinary Studies and Education
6th Academic International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
7th Academic International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies and Education
3rd Academic International Conference on Interdisciplinary Business Studies
2nd International Conference on Sustainability, Energy and Environmental Sciences
4th Academic International Conference on Business, Economics and Management
6th Annual International Conference on Law, Economics and Politics
5th Academic International Conference on Business, Economics and Management
10th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Science Studies
8th Academic International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
5th Academic International Conference on Law, Economics and Finance
8th Academic International Conference on Multi-Disciplinary Studies and Education
6th Academic International Conference on Business, Economics and Management
8th International Conference on Business, Economics, Management and Marketing
10th Academic International Conference on Interdisciplinary Legal Studies
7th Annual International Conference on Law, Economics and Politics
12th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Science Studies
1st International Conference on Business, Information Technology and Management
9th Academic International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
4th Academic International Conference on Interdisciplinary Business Studies
1st International Conference on Business, Law and Social Sciences
2nd Academic International Conference on Economics, Accounting and Finance
9th Academic International Conference on Business, Marketing and Management
10th International Conference on Trade, Business, Economics and Law
2nd International Conference on Business, Law and Social Science
10th Academic International Conference on Business, Marketing and Management
7th Academic International Conference on Business, Economics and Management
10th Academic International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies and Education
8th Annual International Conference on Law, Economics and Politics
8th Academic International Conference on Business, Economics and Management
14th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Science Studies
11th Academic International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
12th Academic International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
1st Academic International Conference on Social Sciences and Education
11th Academic International Conference on Business, Marketing and Management
9th Academic International Conference on Business, Economics and Management
11th International Conference on Business, Economics, Management and Marketing
Ist Annual International Conference on Interdisciplinary Legal Studies
2nd International Conference on Trade, Business, Economics and Law 
1st Annual Conference on Intellectual   Property and International Law 
15th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Science Studies
1st Annual International Conference on Law, Economics and Politics 
3rd International Conference on Sustainability, Energy and Environmental Sciences
1st International Conference on Trade, Business, Economic and Law 
5th Academic International Conference on Interdisciplinary Business Studies
13th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Science Studies
International Oxford
10th Academic International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
International Journal of Interdisciplinary
AICBEM 2016 Boston
AICBEM 2018 Boston
AICBEM 2019 Boston
AICBEM 2019 Boston
AICBEM 2018 Boston
AICBEM 2019 Boston
1st Academic International Conference on Interdisciplinary Business Studies
International Journal of Interdisciplinary
6th Academic International Conference on Interdisciplinary Business Studies
AICBEM 2020 Oxford
International Journal of Interdisciplinary
11th Academic International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies and Education
11th International Conference on Trade, Business, Economics and Law